Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fun Kids' Food Ideas: A "Beary" Good Breakfast

Toddlers are funny little creatures. They are at the age when they start to become more independent ("No, Mama. I wanna put my shoes on by myself!") and they start figuring out what they like and don't like ("I don't like strawberry yogurt. I like blueberry." Weird, you liked strawberry last week.) I'm fortunate to have a child who likes healthy food. I don't know if it's because we always offer the healthy stuff first and keep candy and other processed snacks to a minimum, or if he's just one of those unusual children who likes a variety of foods. I mean, come on. He's three and he loves olives. Green, black, Kalamata, doesn't matter.

Even though my son likes healthy food, there are times when I have to fight with him to eat something good when he really just wants some circus peanuts (yeah, he likes those too). I've found that when I make cool pictures with his food, though, he enjoys it more and he tends to eat a little more of it.

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chocolate Mint Brownies

I remember going to Olive Garden one day with some friends. The hostess sat us at a booth and after a while I realized that my seat was directly beneath the ledge where the servers kept the bowl of Andes Mints. What's this? Yes, the mint chocolate powers that be were shining down on me that day. I know there are no "mint chocolate powers that be". But it was a beautiful day because of those little candies. 

While we were there, I would occasionally reach my hand up to the bounteous bowl of chocolate-y/minty/creamy goodness and swipe a candy. This went on for some time before a server saw me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and... Oh, Well, You Know

I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about you! I realize I haven't posted a recipe in a little while. We've been sick at our house, so I'm waiting until all is well.  t looks like I'll be able to post one this weekend (yay!) Make sure you stop by this weekend to check out the new recipe. It's definitely a keeper.