Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fun Kids' Food Ideas: A "Beary" Good Breakfast

Toddlers are funny little creatures. They are at the age when they start to become more independent ("No, Mama. I wanna put my shoes on by myself!") and they start figuring out what they like and don't like ("I don't like strawberry yogurt. I like blueberry." Weird, you liked strawberry last week.) I'm fortunate to have a child who likes healthy food. I don't know if it's because we always offer the healthy stuff first and keep candy and other processed snacks to a minimum, or if he's just one of those unusual children who likes a variety of foods. I mean, come on. He's three and he loves olives. Green, black, Kalamata, doesn't matter.

Even though my son likes healthy food, there are times when I have to fight with him to eat something good when he really just wants some circus peanuts (yeah, he likes those too). I've found that when I make cool pictures with his food, though, he enjoys it more and he tends to eat a little more of it.

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